Restoration of Status

What does “restoration of status” mean?

As a temporary visitor to Canada, you are only authorized to remain in Canada for a specific period of time. When this designated period is close to its expiration you should prepare to leave, or alternatively restore your status within 90 days of the expiry date of your Temporary Resident Visa. This process is known as “restoration of status”. Many people mistakenly assume that the 90-day restoration period only starts when a person’s work permit, visitor record, or study permit expires.  Rather, it is when their temporary resident status expires, which includes implied status.

How do I apply for restoration of status?

You must apply online. Of course, you need to include several convincing documents as well. Also the restoration of status covers one person at a time. If you have family members who have lost their status, they must apply separately.

Am I eligible to continue working or studying during the restoration?

Foreign nationals applying for restoration have lost their status and may not continue to work or attend school until their status has been restored and a new work or study permit has been issued.

What if the the government rejects my restoration application?

If the government rejects your application, you must leave Canada immediately. But before that happens you should  discuss your options with us so that we may assist in helping you find a favourable solution.

Our skilled and experienced team is ready to provide advice and guidance and help you to file your application for restoration of status.

Call us at +1 (604) 719-8200, or email us at [email protected] to learn how we can help assist and support you in meeting your goals.

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    Immigration Consultants Group Canada Incorporation (ICGCI) is a trusted Canadian immigration consultancy firm located in Vancouver, BC.

    Vancouver Office

    1861 Welch St, North Vancouver, BC V7P 1B7


    +1 (778) 713-9700


    [email protected]