Have completed post-secondary school or training that is comparable to at least one year of Canadian education. You must have earned a diploma, certificate or degree related to your intended occupation. To find out if your education is related to your intended occupation you can review the “Employment Requirements” section of your National Occupation Code profile.
You must include all documents in your application. If your application will be closed if it is missing documents and your application fee will not be returned.
Show settlement funds and a settlement plan.
The program criteria can change at any time.
The points that you claimed on your EOI will determine the likelihood of receiving an invitation. Those with high scores within the pool of candidates will have a greater chance of being invited to apply. Once you are invited to apply, you will be required to provide proof to support the EOI points that you claimed. To remain eligible for a nomination you must meet the minimum points of the EOI Selection through which you received your Invitation to Apply (ITA).
If there are grounds to believe that an applicant and/or their representative have provided false information on an EOI profile or application to increase their points score, then our Program Integrity Unity (PIU) will undertake an investigation for misrepresentation. If misrepresentation is found to have taken place, the applicant may be suspended from using the SINP for two years (or more, in the case of a repeat offence).
Applications that are sent with missing documents or not translated will be closed. If your application is closed, you will be sent a letter and asked to reapply.
If you are successful in getting a nomination from the SINP, IRCC will process most complete applications in 6 months or less.